Safety is always at the top of our priorities. We strive to ensure our people and stakeholders are safe by implementing rigorous controls through every business conduct and stage of our project, while also continuously improving our safety policy and culture so we can protect them better.
Tripatra's Safety Culture
Tripatra has a strong emphasis on a proactive safety culture that focuses on three elements: Worker, Works, and Environment.
Safe Worker
Safe worker is a healthy worker, competent, and behaviorally safe.
Safe Work
Safe work is for the work that is executed with proper procedure, safe equipment operation, qualified operator, safe storage, handling, and hazardous material usage.
Safe Environment
Safe environment if there is no unauthorized person in the area, environmental aspect in control, and all environmental hazard in control.
Beyond Zero
Our commitment to safety goes beyond numbers. We're dedicated to create safe work environment, prioritizing injury prevention at every turn.
Lost Time Injury
(LTI) Rate
Total Recordable
Incident Rate
Safety Program
Life-Saving Rules
At Tripatra, safety is our top priority. We are committed to fostering a work environment where everyone goes home safe and healthy every day. These rules are not just guidelines; they are essential practices that everyone at Tripatra must adhere to.
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